Friday 7 May 2010

To Vice President Elect Albert Gore Jr. - Jerry Blaskovich

Vice President Elect Albert Gore Jr.

C/O of United States Senate Washington, DC 20510

12 November 1992

Dear Vice President Gore:

Kissinger, Scowcroft, Eagleburger, the "Three Stooges" for Serb interests have done it again. The International Herald Tribune (11/09/92) stated our government intends to make Belgrade the hub for Bosnian relief and American military personnel will be stationed there. To implement this plan would require pledges for Milosevic and Karadzic. But if this becomes fait accompli it would place the United States in a precarious position of actively cooperating with a government who the international community has condemned and severely crimp your administration's future efforts to resolve the Bosnian crisis.

Given Milosevic's and Karadzic's history of duplicity, to believe they would honor any pledge is ludicrous. It must be remembered that the United Nations, of which United States was a signatory, placed sanctions on Serbia.

Not only would our presence flaunt the sanctions it would be enormously help Serbia's economy. Since President elect Clinton did not serve in armed forces he is not aware that, historically, all military staging areas are notorious for theft. No matter how tight the security, goods invariably end up on the local black market. Consumables, such as fuel, water and food are usually bought locally. Airport fees and our troops exchanging dollars into the local currency are some examples of how our presence would help the Serbian economy.

This proposal is the latest in a series the Bush advisers have come up with to legitimatize Serbia. Your administration has enough problems to solve that will be left over from Bush's failures in Eastern Europe without adding this one to your agenda of damage control.

I've enclosed a copy of my letter (April 13, 1992) that briefly outlines the Kissinger, Scowcroft, Eagleburger connection with the Serbian government.


From the book: Croatia Uncensored by Jerry Blaskovich M.D.
(c) Jerry Blaskovich. Published here by permission from the author.
No further re-publication is authorised.
Publicado aquí por permiso especial del autor. No se autoriza su ulterior re-publicación

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